Quaternary Structure Index

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Back to Main Index . . . last updated 20th.April'95
To best appreciate the content of this chapter you need to INTERACTIVELY EXAMINE a number of protein structures. If you haven't done so already, we STRONGLY URGE you to install the FREE molecular viewer software, RasMol and configure it to be automatically invoked by chemical/MIME. See our Technology Page to find out how.

Quaternary Structure

In this chapter we study the units of biological structures which are composed of assemblies of individual elements of tertiary structure. There are several aspects to consider, not all of which are covered here (yet).
If you have MAGE installed and configured for Chemical MIME, you can view the Branden and Tooze, Protein Science and Protein Tourist Kinemages, some of which are relevant to this material. Again, refer to the Technology Page if necessary. There are some links to appropriate Kinemages within this chapter.


We wish to thank the following for material incorporated into this chapter

John Walshaw & Alan Mills, Birkbeck College, Apr'95