More On Navigation

Just to remind you that the History option on Mosaic (found via Navigate on the menu bar) allows you to view the URLs of what you have accessed during your current WWW session.

URL Direct Access

You do not have to browse or search every single time in order to find the document you want as long as you know its URL.

Dept Users can do this on Mosaic by clicking on the File on the manu bar, then choosing the option labbelled Open URL. You will then be presented with some options. Type a URL in the white box marked 'URL:' then press ENTER or click on OK using the mouse. Otherwise cancel by clicking on Cancel.

Try it using the following URL then come back to this document using the History option.

The Hotlist

There is a way to bookmark a URL on your local hard disk. This is done using 'Add Current To Hotlist' found under the 'Navigate' option on the menu bar. It will add the URL to your Hotlist (list of the user's useful URLs) so that you can call a document up without having to write out the whole URL next time (choose a hotlist first via the Open URL option).

If that explanation was far too brief, it is because departmental students perhaps should not make use of it. There are many student's sharing many PCs and Hotlists can only be stored on the C: drive. Also, territoriality over shared PCs is not encouraged.

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