Software Engineering Home The Bioinformatics Template Library (BTL)

Project Leaders
David Moss (Birkbeck)
Alan Bleasby (Daresbury)
Research Assistant
William Pitt (Birkbeck)
Motivation: The efficiency of bioinformatics programmers can be greatly increased by the provision of  ready made software components which can be combined with bespoke components to create finished programs. The C++ Standard Template Library is a relatively new, efficient, and easy to use collection of software components. The extension of this library to one including components designed specifically for use in bioinformatics and molecular modelling has several advantages over the more traditional approaches to software reuse currently employed within the biocomputing community.

Results: A novel application of generic programming techniques in the form of a C++ component library called the Bioinformatics Template Library or BTL is presented. This library facilitates the development of programs by providing algorithms and data-structures that can be combined in an orthogonal manner.

Availability: the BTL is available free of charge from our web site
Contact: E-mail address: