Re: Structure determination

Brendan Duggan (
Tue, 21 Mar 1995 13:06:33 +1000 (EST)

'Peter S. Galatin' writes :
> These all seem to be rather huge topics to be doing individually... Maybe
> one person could do the basic physics of crystallography, one person do
> isomorphous replacement & molecular replacement, one do crystallization,
> and one for the latest in crystallographic software. In the NMR realm...
> there's 2D COESY/NOESY analysis, distance geometry, which could in theory
> be done by one person... But then there are other NMR techniques out
> there... magic-angle among others.

I'm sorry about this coming back to the list (Peter didn't include his
own email address), but there's not much much traffic anyway. I was
hoping I could get away with just doing the NMR as that's what I'm
working on. I know with NMR you can get away without explaining too
much. I was thinking of doing that first, then adding more detail
through extra links.

Brendan Duggan                   
Victorian College of Pharmacy    email :
381 Royal Parade                 phone : +61-3-903 9611
Parkville, VIC 3052 AUSTRALIA    fax   : +61-3-903 9582