Re: Structure determination

Peter S. Galatin (
Mon, 20 Mar 1995 19:54:15 -0500

>I'd like to stake a claim for structure determination by NMR.
>Perhaps someone would like to help out with the crystallography
>side of things?

These all seem to be rather huge topics to be doing individually... Maybe
one person could do the basic physics of crystallography, one person do
isomorphous replacement & molecular replacement, one do crystallization,
and one for the latest in crystallographic software. In the NMR realm...
there's 2D COESY/NOESY analysis, distance geometry, which could in theory
be done by one person... But then there are other NMR techniques out
there... magic-angle among others.

Just my 2=A2...


Peter S. Galatin '95
(617) 493-3287

Self-professed progressive rock and Hammond organ freak...

"Progressive rock was what happened in the early 70's when
certain brilliant instrumentalists got fed up with playing
three-and-a-half minute long songs about teenage love.
Unfortunately, this led them to start playing ten-and-a-half
minute long songs about nothing in particular."

-- Geoff Nicholson, `Big Noises: Rock Guitar in the 1990s', Quadrant
Books, 1991.