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Back to Main Index . . . last updated 7th.April'95
To best appreciate the content of this chapter you need to INTERACTIVELY EXAMINE a number of protein structures. If you haven't done so already, we STRONGLY URGE you to install the FREE molecular viewer software, RasMol and configure it to be automatically invoked by chemical/MIME. See our Technology Page to find out how.
We now study the various ways in which secondary and super-secondary structures are associated in real proteins, to form the next level of organisation, generally referred to as tertiary structure.

There are various arrangements of alpha-helix, beta-sheet, and loops which fold into distinct entities, often referred to as domains (although the concept of a `domain' is not particularly well defined).

The association of domains into higher levels of (quaternary) structure will be examined in more detail in a future chapter. But for now, there are a number of variations on this theme, which are examined under these headings.

You should consider wherabouts YOUR protein comes within this classification.

If you have MAGE installed and configured for Chemical MIME, you can view the Branden and Tooze, Protein Science and Protein Tourist Kinemages, some of which are relevant to this material. Again, refer to the Technology Page if necessary. There are some links to appropriate Kinemages within this chapter.


We wish to thank the following for the material incorporated into this chapter

Roger Sayle, GLAXO UK
Peer Bork at EMBL-Heidelberg, DE
Annalisa Pastore at EMBL-Heidelberg, DE
Manuel Peitsch at GLAXO, Geneva, CH
Members of the BSM group, University College, UK
R.Sowdhamini, ICRF, Birkbeck College,UK
Stephen Rufino, ICRF, Birkbeck College,UK

John Walshaw & Alan Mills, Birkbeck College, Apr'95