(Logo) Appendix A - Magnetic Active Nuclei

The table below [9] contains some information about magnetic active nuclei that are of special importance in NMR spectroscopy of biomolecules:

isotope spin I natural abundance [%] gyromagnetic ratio, (gamma) [107*rad/(T*s)] relative sensitivity absolute sensitivity
1H 1/2 99.98 26.7519 1.00 1.00
2H 1 0.016 4.1066 9.65 · 10-6 1.45 · 10-6
12C 0 98.9 -- -- --
13C 1/2 1.108 6.7283 1.59 · 10-2 1.76 · 10-4
14N 1 99.63 1.9338 1.01 · 10-3 1.01 · 10-3
15N 1/2 0.37 -2.712 1.04 · 10-3 3.85 · 10-6
16O 0 98.9 -- -- --
17O 5/2 0.037 -3.6279 2.91 · 10-2 1.08 · 10-5
31P 1/2 100 10.841 6.63 · 10-2 6.63 · 10-2

The relative sensitivity is given at constant magnetic field and equal number of nuclei.

The absolute sensitivity is the product of relative sensitivity multiplied by natural abundance.

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Determination of Protein Structure with NMR Spectroscopy
last updated 281196