logoPrinciples of Protein Structure Using the Internet


TechnologyDiscussion ListsParticipantsGlossary

Student Assignments

Weekly Instructions for Students

This is the page to refer to each week for the introduction to the next section of the course; this will include links to the course material and a summary of what you should aim to be familiar with by the end of the section. Details of any other assignments will also be given here.

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3


Iddo Friedberg's Self-assessment exercise on the Internet and the BioMOO
Index to all the self-tests.
Molecular Interactions Quiz

'Your' Protein Structure

Feedback Form

Results of feedback form 1 (February)


Students will undertake these in Term 3.

© Copyright  Birkbeck College 1995-1997 all rights reserved worldwide

Updated 12th Aug '96