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Parameterized classes and functions  e.g.template <class T> class list {...};

The Standard Template Library


A data structure, or container, component provides a certain type of iterator that can be used to navigate through its individual data elements. Examples of STL iterator types are forward that allow sequential traversal and random access that also allow direct access. An algorithm component often takes two iterators as input which indicate a range of elements within a container (see figure). 
Compatible containers and algorithms can be combined in an orthogonal manner. To be compatible particular algorithm a container with a  must provide iterators that allows that algorithm to navigate through a container in the way that it needs. The simpler the demands made by an algorithm upon its input parameters, the more generic it is. The greater the functionality of the iterators that a container provides, the greater the range of algorithms that can operate on it. 
// Construct a STL vector  
vector<float> container;  

// Put some data in it. 

// Construct iterators that can be used to navigate through  
// the container  
begin = container.begin(),  
  end = container.end();  

// Sort the elements using the STL generic sort component  

Ilustration of how iterators form the interface between container and generic algorithm components
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