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Some of the drawbacks of existing class libraries and how they are avoided in the STL are covered in the STL Tutorial and Reference Guide (Musser and Saini, 1996). The difficulties mentioned in this book are incompatibility of classes from different libraries, their relative inefficiency due to the over use of inheritance and the problem of unwieldy interfaces. Discussed below are some additional problems encountered during the development of the prototype class library for bioinformatics and how they can be overcome with a STL-like design. The problems discussed here may have contributed to the current low levels of object-oriented code reuse within biocomputing.


Molecular modelling and bioinformatics involve manipulating a large variety of complex data types in many different ways. The more complex a class library, the more effort is required to learn how to use it and the less likely that it will be widely adopted. The coding efficiency of the students using our prototype class library was significantly decreased by the need to accustom themselves to parts of the library before using them. The STL is simpler to use than a normal class library because there is great commonality in the way components of the same category are used. It is likely that the use of the STL will become very familiar to C++ programmers. This familiarity will transfer to the BTL and make its use almost second nature to these programmers.


Adding to the problem of keeping the library simple was the fact that the intended users include researchers. This meant that the library had to be extremely flexible. Flexibility can be achieved in OOD through the use of abstract base classes and inheritance. However, these features impact upon execution speed. In addition, the main method for adapting class libraries is by adding leaves to the class trees which provides only limited flexibility. Generic components within the STL can usually be used independently of the rest of the library and new components can be added as and when they are needed.

Subjectivity of Abstract Data Types

Perhaps the greatest problem of using the class library approach to increasing software reuse in biocomputing is that users have to accept a more or less fixed model of molecular entities. In reality, the conception of what something like a molecule is and what you can do with it varies between individuals, over time and with the task being performed. If the generic programming approach is followed users can easily construct small class libraries tailor-made to their needs using components from the STL, the BTL and similar libraries such as the TNT.

Duplication of Functionality

If, for example, one would like to provide the a function CalcCentoid() for a Molecule, a Residue and a Chain class then separate versions of the code to perform this function would normally be put in each of these classes. There are ways of avoiding such repetition but none are as effective as having a generic CalcCentroid function. This method frees each class that needs such functionality to store its atomic co-ordinates in any of a number of different ways, while still calling the same piece of code to do the calculation.
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