Software Engineering Home Algorithms and Function Objects


Included in the library are one, two, and three dimensional fast Fourier transform methods, a method for inverting symmetric matrices based on Cholesky factorisation, and a least squares coordinate superposition method that uses the method of Kearsley (Kearsley, 1989).
Algorithm Description Requirements  
of Containers
FFT 1,2,and 3 
dimensional fast 
Fourier transform
1. random access iterator 
2. sequential storage of elements in a 
particular order
1D O(nlog n) 
2D O([nlog n]2) 
3D O([nlog n]3)
Fit one set of three 
to another
1.  forward iterator 
2.  sequential storage in a particular order
the inverse of 
symmetric matrix
1.  size_type and value_type defining the types matrix subscripts and contents used 
2.  NumOfCols() and NumOfRows() functions to obtain the dimensions of the matrix 
3.  a () operator for direct access to matrix elements via subscripts . Subscripts should start at 1 and be in row, column pairs

Function Object

There are two function objects, or functors, in the BTL, PDBSort and AminoAcidProperty. PDBSort can be used as parameter for the STL generic sort algorithms. This functor takes 2 input strings containing atom names and returns true if the first name comes before the second in order found in Brookhaven pdb format files (Bernstein et al., 1977) and false if doesn't. The atom names and the order were extracted from Roger Sayle's mdl2pdb program (personal communication). AminoAcidProperty takes a single character as input and returns a real number property value for the amino acid the character represents. The type of property produced is defined when the function object is constructed. Properties currently supported are volume, surface area, and several hydropathy scales. One use of this functor is to take an amino acid sequence stored in one container and create from it a second container of property values using the STL generic function transform.
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