Postgraduate Certificate:
Protein Crystallography

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Protein Crystallography (PX)

Postgraduate Certificate

PX Syllabus

Section 1 - Protein Structure
  • Background
  • Primary Structure

Amino Acids and Polypeptides
Hydrophobic Amino Acids
Neutral Amino Acids
Acidic and Basic Amino Acids
Conformationally Important Amino Acids
Amino Acid Nomenclature
The Disulphide Bond I

  • Amino Acid and Peptide Bond Geometry

Amino Acid Structure
The Peptide Bond
Polypeptide Main Chain Torsion Angles
Side Chain Conformation
The Disulphide Bond II

  • Non-Covalent (Non-Bonded) Interactions

Protein Stability and Folding
Types of Interactions
Ion Pair (Salt Bridge)
Hydrogen Bond I
Hydrogen Bond II
Hydrophobic Interactions
van der Waals Interactions
Partial Charge Interactions
Alpha­Helix Dipole Interactions
Aromatic­Aromatic Interactions
Amino­Aromatic Interactions
Protein Solvent Interactions

  • Super Secondary Structure

Beta­Hairpins I
Beta­Hairpins II
Beta Corners
Helix Hairpins
Alpha­Alpha Corners
EF Hand
Beta­Alpha­Beta Motifs
Greek Key Motifs

  • Tertiary Structure


  • Quaternary Structure


- Cyclic Symmetries
- Dihedral Symmetries
- Higher Symmetries
- Helical Symmetries
