Re: Projects, exam and timetable

Michael Degenhardt (
Wed, 13 Aug 1997 11:35:41 -0700

Hi Clare,

sorry, but I am a little confused. You asked in June, who wants to make a exam
or not. I answered you, that I don't want to make an exam. ok.

Now I read, that everybody have to chose one topic of this projectlist and we
got this timetable, where I had the feeling, that this exam is independent of
this projects.

Is this right? Or do everybody write his exam about this project topic? What is
the sense of this topics?

Can you help me?

Greetings Michael

Michael Degenhardt                          | Tel: 040/8998-4745
AG fuer Makromolekulare Strukturanalyse     | Fax: 040/8998-4747
UNI Hamburg c/o DESY, Gebaeude 22a          | 
Notkestr. 85                                | email:
22603 Hamburg                               | 