#for PDB structure 8gch #following 5 lines are for RasMol 2.5 compatibility select spacefill off wireframe off ribbons off backbone off label off reset slab off rotate z 16 rotate y -17 rotate x 92 centre ser195.OG select protein and not *c structure ribbon select 1-124 colour [191,102,102] select 125-245 colour grey define triad (57,102,195) and sidechain define oxyhole gly193.N,ser195.N define pocket 189,216,226 define allpocket 189-191,216,217,220 define hydbond 214-216 and backbone #displays catalytic triad select triad,his57.CA,asp102.CA,ser195.CA wireframe 80 select triad colour red #displays oxyanion hole select oxyhole,gly193.CA,ser195.CA wireframe 80 colour white select 193-195 ribbon off backbone 30 #displays backbone of residues which hydrogen bond to the substrate select hydbond wireframe 80 colour yellow ribbon off #displays principal residues of substrate-binding pocket select pocket wireframe 80 ribbon off colour green #displays all residues of substrate-binding pocket select allpocket wireframe 80 backbone 30 ribbon off colour lightgreen ssbond 80 select pocket colour green