
There are three types of lists: ordered, unordered and detailed. We discuss these in the following sections.

Ordered List

An ordered list has the members of its list numbered. The list members are wrapped by <OL> and </OL>. The list members themselves are preceded with <LI>. For exampe:



  1. first
  2. second
  3. third

Unordered List

This is used if you don't want the list members numbered, for example if you are creating a list with a number of unrelated points. Here the list members are wrapped by <UL> and </UL>. Again, the list members themselves are preceded with <LI>. For exampe:



Descriptive List

If you have a list where you elaborate on each item then this is the list for you. The list members are wrapped by <DL> and </DL>. In this case, the list members are split into the member title <DT>, and the member details <DD> within which you can elaborate to your heart's content. For example, here is a 'described' shopping list:

<DD>Semi-skimmed or skimmed but not full fat.
<DD>Anything from oranges, bananas and apples, but definitely no grapefruit.
<DD>Brie, Camembert and lots of chocolate. Ah well, forget the diet!


Semi-skimmed or skimmed but not full fat.
Anything from oranges, bananas and apples, but definitely no grapefruit.
Brie, Camembert and lots of chocolate. Ah well, forget the diet!

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