Remote Files

As mentioned in the previous page, Within the FTP window, the right-hand pane is concerned with the files on the remote machine (ie the one you are connecting to).
N.B.: Please be aware that the function of the panes may be reversed !

For the time being, we will consider the remote system without connecting to it.

The Current Path

For the remote system, this is displayed in the top right corner under the words Remote Files in. Most machines that you will connect to will probably be running a UNIX operating system. UNIX filenames are case-sensitive, and the directories are separated by a forward slash (the / character).

Controlling the Listing

The remote files that are listed are constrained by what is declared in the box labelled File Name on the right side of the FTP window. A list of all files in the current directory is produced if the contents of the File Name box is empty. Mac users typically get the entire listing.

Clicking on the List button adjacent to the File Name box will produce a listing subject to any new constraints (Mac users: this button is not present).

The File List

The remote directory's list of files is located in the pane on the right half of the FTP window.

(As with the local file list box,) remote subdirectories are denoted by the use of square brackets, therefore [name] is the name of a subdirectory. You can move into a subdirectory by double clicking on its name. Double clicking on the [..] directory moves you into the parent directory (the parent folder on the Mac).

Windows users: If you know exactly which remote directory you want to access beforehand, you can save time and trouble by clicking on the Change Dir button on the far right of the FTP window. You will be asked to type out where you want to go. NB don't forget to begin the path with '/' (a forward slash) if you are specifying a path from the root directory.

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