Re: A Simple HTML editor for X windows

Christoph Weber (
Tue, 14 Mar 95 15:52:44 +0100

If you are using a SUN, then there is always Softquad's free Hotmetal HTML
editor. It's WYSIWYG and has rules checking, preventing you from writing bad
HTML. You will find that it won't like most of the existing HTML out there,
including yours and mine (that's how bad the state of affairs is ;-) ).

Hotmetal is available from most ftp sites that carry NCSA Mosaic. I think there
is also a Windows version.

Highly recommended.



Dr. Christoph Weber                 email:
OCI  Uni Zurich                     phone: +41 1 257 4219
Winterthurerstr. 190                FAX:   +41 1 361 9895
CH-8057 Zurich,  Switzerland