Re: swiss-prot FAQ

P. Murray-Rust (
Sat, 4 Feb 1995 21:33:16 +0000 (GMT)


Peter Murray-Rust ( Glaxo Research & Development, Greenford,UK, (Thanks to AlanBleasby)

On Sat, 4 Feb 1995, A.P.N. de Boer wrote:

> .
> .
> >One disadvantage of the ExPASy server, however, is, that it uses
> >chemical/pdb instead of chemical/x-pdb as MIME header for rasmol

This can easily be overcome by adding both types to your .mailcap file
(for UNIX) or the MOSAIC.INI (for PC-Mosaic). There will be similar
files for other browsers and/or otehr platforms.

> .
> What does the X in the MIME type x-pdb and x-kinemage stand for ?

It means that it is a proposed standard, rather than a ratified
one, and you will find it in some of the other MIME types. When Henry
and I put forward chemical/ as a MIME type the subtypes were are x-*.
We are now putting forward the second draft
( and if accepted, the x- will be
dropped for those filetypes in it. Other new proposals would, strictly
speaking, have the x- until the chemical/ community ratified it.

The acceptance of chemical/ has been so rapid that as a de facto
standard, we are suggesting that servers drop the x-, but it will be a
little while before there is consistency.
