BioMOO and MedLine questions
Fri, 3 Feb 1995 9:27:02 -0500 (EST)

Hi All,

I visited the MOO yesterday...and I met another
PPS classmate, both of us were lost together! We were
looking for the pps classroom...I tried the @go pps
classroom command but MOO told me that the room didn't I need to get to someplace else first?
Thanks for the help...even so, it was fun meeting
someone else!

My other question concerns one of the things we
are doing to "get our feet wet," so to speak...I have
been to visit SWISS-PROT and can also retrive my
favorite protein from there...but there was a directive
to try looking into medline...something I would really
like to do...but I didn't see a pointer at SWISS-PROT,
PDB, or any of the number of other places I looked...can
someone point me in the right direction? Looks like I
am lost everywhere! Thanks to you all...

Gail (Schuman)