Re: BioMOO

P. Murray-Rust (
Tue, 31 Jan 1995 22:36:07 +0000 (GMT)


Peter Murray-Rust ( Glaxo Research & Development, Greenford,UK, (Thanks to AlanBleasby)

On Tue, 31 Jan 1995, Robert D Scavetta wrote:

> Hi!
> I have been playing around in BioMOO and I have a question. If we are to meet
> in BioMOO for discussion purposes, how do we find each other? I have looked on

We have a classroom especially for the course and I think that
@go classroom
@go pps classroom
will get you there
The room contains me (asleep), a whiteboard on which I write occasionally
and a bulletin board on which many of the course members have started to
post greetings. It takes a few minutes to learn how to use it - don't be
afraid of making mistakes! In that way you can see who the people are
who have already been there.

There is no reason why you can't post messages on the bulletin
board (PPS) which invite people to be there at a specific time. Also, if
you aren't paying connect charges, wait in BioMOO (whilst doing something
else) until somebody comes.

There are usually 2-5 regulars in the MOO, e.g. Gustavo, GeorgF,
JohnTowell == WatsonCrick, Windward == PaulHansen, Eric. They are all
very friendly and keen to make the course a success. Just say Hi and
they'll take unless they're busy, when they'll tell you politely.

If you'd like other objects, the regulars can build them. There
are some very sophisticated objects that can be built, so don't be afraid
to ask. Also, we're thinking about how and whether the groups can build
their own areas. If you feel like doing this, just ask one of the above.
