Re: Help needed: RasMol/Kinemage for Macs

A.P.N. de Boer (
Mon, 30 Jan 1995 21:38:25 +0100

>I need help with getting RasMol or Kinemage for the Macintosh
>right? can someone be specific on memory requirements?). I've
>tried using Fetch to copy both RasMol and Kinemage directly to
>the Mac, but was unsuccessful both times (and yes, I *did* transfer
>them as binary files).
>Mia Unson

Hi I used Anarchie to download the new version (4.0) of Mage from

and this worked fine for me. You can download different formats there.
I don't know about rasmol (Rasmac), but Anarchie could probably download it
succesful from

Anarchie can be found on info-mac mirrors in comm/tcp

Hope this helps.
Thon de Boer

! A.P.N. de Boer | eMail : !
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