Re: possible project

P. Murray-Rust (
Mon, 23 Jan 1995 21:01:05 +0000 (GMT)

This is a wonderful offer and very well worth doing.

I have deliberately left the idea of 'projects' fuzzy as they can
range from a 'student essay' to a group review of the literature to the
exploration of ideas that haven't been thought of before. I hope that
you will find some like-minded peopel who'd like to join it.

It's an *enormous* area, of course. I would limit yourself
strictly to things related to well-understood 3-D structure - not
speculations from sequences. Amongst the best known areas is the work of
Max Perutz on haemoglobins, and - if you haven'y got other ideas - this
is where I would start.

Max has written a book a yesr or so ago - can't remember the
exact title but it's on proteins and therapy.


Peter Murray-Rust ( Glaxo Research & Development, Greenford,UK, (Thanks to AlanBleasby)

On Mon, 23 Jan 1995, Jeffrey Kreher wrote:

> needless to say, my knowledge is limited to standard biochemistry
> textbook knowledge, but i am more than willing to put the time into any
This is great. Time is the one thing that Alan and I don't have! But we
can help coordinate discussion and ideas. You'll soon find that you grow
a group of people round you.

> please excuse my ignorrance of how things are be conducted and if i have
> gone about this the wrong way

There are no wrong ways! There are ways that work out, and ones
that don't and you usually can't tell which is which when you start!
Energy and patience are two indispensables!
