Re: BioMOO: First Global Virtual Party - TIME

P. Murray-Rust (
Thu, 2 Feb 1995 09:27:54 +0000 (GMT)

This sounds great. I'd suggest that you coordinate details, and
make sure that all the BioMOO regulars know. Talk to Gustavo, Eric,
WatsonCrick, etc. Come up with some nice ideas for objects (they had
some last time!) Suggest we have an area where people can wander into
different rooms if they want a quiet chat. When you've planned the
details, we'll post them here - say next Wed. That gives people a chance
to learn how to do the simple things - talk, move etc. It should also go
up soon on BioMOO *announce.


Peter Murray-Rust ( Glaxo Research & Development, Greenford,UK, (Thanks to AlanBleasby)