Re: Is it adding date possible

P. Murray-Rust (
Tue, 24 Jan 1995 23:17:36 +0000 (GMT)

Let's try it. Alan. we should be able to do this with my add info
script (e.g. bugs.html and comments.html at We could set up a
single page to which comments were added at the bottom. Then authors would
simply add the URL of every document they modified to this form. It only
requires a minor amount of discipline on the part of authors.

Alternatively we *could* run a cron job every 2400 which does a
recursive find of all docs since the list page was last updated and then
adds them to the bottom. Anyone who would like to have a script to do
this would be much appreciated. Of course this won't work for external URLs

Is htgrep any use here?


Peter Murray-Rust ( Glaxo Research & Development, Greenford,UK, (Thanks to AlanBleasby)