Re: Is it adding date possible

R. McCauley's LISTSERV In Box (
Mon, 23 Jan 95 18:15:00 PST

P. Murray-Rust <> said:
> The problem is: given the course hypertree which changes rapidly
> (often daily), how do we know which branches are worth exploring to find
> if there is anything new at the bottom?
... some text skipped ...
> - we keep a what's new of everything that happens. This requires
> some poor guy to keep track of every page that is altered *significantly*
> and write something about it. Don't like it very much.

I just wanted to suggest a slight variation on this. We could keep a simple
text Web page that contains a brief description of what has been changed or
added, sorted by the date the alteration is made. That way, some one can
tell at a glance what changes have been made where since a certain date.

This need not be burdensome if whoever is responsible for making or linking
in changes also includes a brief addendum on this page. While an automated
way to do this would be nice, it may prove to be more trouble to develop
than it is worth.

Something very similar to this is used in software version control when
several people are working on the same software engineering project, and
need to be updated on progress and problems with the project.

Virtually Yours,
Raymond McCauley
Texas A&M University