Re: Why not usenet

P. Murray-Rust (
Sat, 21 Jan 1995 17:14:39 +0000 (GMT)

This is a useful suggestion, but probably not appropriate just yet.

USENET groups (such as BIONET) have to be formally approved by a voting
process and this takes some time. It's also possible that many people
would feel this was too specialised for BIONET at present. When the
course has been run once, it may be that there is enough general interest
that bionet would be happy to consider it.

The results of the mailing list are available as HTML so you don't
have to subscribe, but can read it on the WWW. It's also possible for
you to ask you local newsmaster to arrange for any of the mailing lists
to be fed into your newsreader (although this may not always be possible
or they may be too busy.) I get quite a few mailing lists this way.

I think you are right that there will be discussions of
considerable interest to others. They will be able to read the Web pages
as well. However, one of the benefits of being a formal student of the
course is that you can mail the lists with any question, no matter how
basic, and be sure of a friendly response. On BIONET, although the
general standard is very high, we can't guarantee that.

I am sure it is a real possibility for the future. Let's prove
ourselves with the quality and stimulation of our discussion!


Peter Murray-Rust ( Glaxo Research & Development, Greenford,UK, (Thanks to AlanBleasby)