World Wide Web Software ((no email))
Wed, 4 Jan 1995 18:31:11 GMT

This is the first line.

put vsns-pps-general genlist1 welcome

Thank you for subscribing to the vsns-pps-general discussion list

This list is intended for discussion of all matters that don't appear
to be covered in other email discussion lists. This could
include organisational matters and any issues that people want to
raise amongst the members of the list generally.

Consultants and students may wish to suggest ideas for further email
discussion lists, depending on how much traffic we get on any particular

You may send email messages to every member of this list by emailing to


If you wish to reply, consider whether your reply should be addressed
to the list generally (which happens with the `reply' command) or
whether it may be more appropriate to address your reply to the
originator of the message, and act accordingly.

Be gentle and helpful, remembering that all this is for free.

Everybody will have access to a browser, so feel free to suggest
URLs that people may find useful.

If at any stage you wish to leave the list, send an email message to


containing in the body of the email

unsubscribe vsns-pps-general

You may rejoin later.


Alan Mills at Birkbeck, for

VSNS-PPS Course Organisers.

PS I almost forgot : Season's Greetings