A network is the connectivity of computerware. Here, at Birkbeck College, the Department of Crystallography has a local network which connects computerware within the department. The departmental network is itself connected to the Internet. The Internet is a network that is spread over many countries. It is the largest network in the world. The Internet is really a network that is comprised of smaller networks, and provides a wealth of information on ... well, you name it.

Internet Addresses

Computers on the Internet can be accessed by specifiying their address. This can be done in two ways:
  1. Using the Internet Protocol (IP). The address consists of four numbers separated by a full stop, and is known as the IP Number. For example

  2. Using the Domain Name System (DNS):. The DNS Address consists of letters (sometimes containing a numerical digit or two) and there are not necessarily four parts to the address as with the IP Number. For example Note that the DNS address is hierarchical (ie this is the MV3B vax connection within the CRYSTallography department at BirkBecK college which is an ACademic institute within the UK).

You can probably see that the DNS address is more friendly to humans than IP numbers, whereas computers are numerically orientated.

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