
This is very much a prototype, but try the self-assesment tool. There are several sets of questions (Don't worry if you get them wrong!!):


Make your own questions!

Have a play with our tool. Choose any topic you like (e.g. questions about your country).

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pmr for pps
Sept 28 1994

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Added by: petermr on Wed Sep 21 08:26:36 GMT 1994 Please add you own questions!!

Added by: petermr on Wed Sep 28 08:44:53 GMT 1994 Some of the links on this page are broken! Sorry

Added by: petermr on Tue Oct 4 22:03:01 GMT 1994 this is some text and some @##$%^%26*( punctuation!!!!

Added by: pmr on Tue Oct 11 18:19:00 GMT 1994 On the one-letter code questions (in amino-acid assessment), the box is sometimes on a different line from its label - would help a lot if the spacing was not uniform, so you could see the pairings.

Added by: Jane Richardson on Fri Oct 14 00:23:19 GMT 1994
great tool, but unfortunately the questions requiring verbose input can't be automatically graded. How will this sort of thing be handled in the actual course?

Added by: (David Messina) on Mo Oct 24 21:36:05 GMT 1994
The formatting on this comment section needs to be repaired, as it looks like one's comments are submitted by the prvious commentor.

Added by: (David Messina) on Mo Oct 24 21:39:02 GMT 1994
the disulphide bond question can sort of be answered by a tool used by the maths dept in Univ of Minnesota's www page. Sorry don't have url but is available from best of web 94 in the technical section. A free hand drawing can be submitted which can be retrieved by the server. i don't know how it will compare to the right structure though.Hope this helps.

Added by: Anurag on Wed Oct 26 21:25:52 GMT 1994

Could you distribute a
configuration file for
latex2html so that any
pages that I write can
have pointers to the
standard index pages ?

Added by: Andrew Henry, on Fri Oct 28 11:45:31 GMT 1994