MID-TERM FEEDBACK ON VSNS-PPS COURSE on The Principles of Protein Structure Now eight weeks into the Course, we need to gain a feel for how the course is working. This feedback is very important to us, so even if you have completely given up, please take the time to REPLY (max. 10 bytes). For everybody still following the course we have prepared an active forms-based questionnaire which it is vital that you fill in. All information is confidential and we would much rather you were completely honest than just trying to be nice. INSTRUCTIONS We hope to gather the bulk of this material through active WWW forms but in case you no longer read the material or have difficulty using Web forms, we'd like ONE LETTER answers (eg 1a 2cg) to the following questions, please 1.Are you still involved? (a) I no longer follow the course (b) I still follow the course but cannot use forms 2. IF NO LONGER INVOLVED, please indicate which applies for you (check as many as you wish) (a) My personal circumstances prohibit. (b) The subject matter is inappropriate. (c) Just too damn busy. (d) I found it an inefficient use of my time. (e) The level was too high. (f) The level was too low. (g) Technology got in the way. (h) The material and the consultants were not of a high enough standard (i) Just got bored Thanks in advance, Alan & Peter, for vsns-pps pps@www.cryst.bbk.ac.uk