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C a group of membrane-attached mosaic proteinsrmaceutical inWABABDBB#  L-Selectin group of membrane-attached mosaic proteinsrmaceutical inXCwBCwB$C܀B%  E-Selectin (ELAM-1)of membrane-attached mosaic proteinsrmaceutical inYDBDBDD,B'  P-Selectin(PADGEM)brane-attached mosaic proteinsrmaceutical indBD @BDDD @)  Modelling the E-Selectin/s-Le Complex mosaic proteinsrmaceutical inCD CDCD +  xe E-Selectin/s-Le Complex mosaic proteinsrmaceutical in\BCBBBC-@  ?......ic proteinsrmaceutical inT??^BCBC̀DC/  >>?The CRD is a member of the C-type animal lectins ,whose sugar binding is calcium dependent>?The CRD is a member of the C-type animal lectins ,whose sugar binding is caT??_BCBCD%@C1  >>?C-type lectin domains are found in several extracellularmosaic proteins in higher animals >?C-type lectin domains are found in several extracellularmosaic proteins in higT??`BCBCD4C3  >>?In 1992 Drickamer's group solved the X-ray crystal structure of the CRD from rat mannose-binding proteinDrickamer's group solved the X-ray crystal structure of the CRD froT??aBCtBCDD@Ct5  >>?This provided the opportunity for the modelling of E-selectin by homology (using COMPOSER)>>?This provided the opportunity for the modelling of E-selectin by homology (usT??bBC.BBD#C.7  >>?More recently the same group published the structureof the rat-MBP complexed with an oligosaccharidely the same group published the structureof the rat-MBP complexed T??cBBBBpD-B9  >>?They also confirmed the details of the calcium-dependentbinding by mutagenesis experiments>>?They also confirmed the details of the calcium-dependentbinding by mutagenesisdBD@BDD$D@;  Modelling the E-Selectin/s-Le Complexum-dependentbinding by mutagenesisCD@CD @D@D@=  xe E-Selectin/s-Le Complexum-dependentbinding by mutagenesisfBCBC BC?@  ?.....um-dependentbinding by mutagenesisT??gBCBCDCA  >>?The collaborative group of Genentech, Glycomed, &Hoffman-LaRoche used mutagenesis and mAbs >>?The collaborative group of Genentech, Glycomed, &Hoffman-LaRoche used mutagenesis aT??hBCBCD@CC  >>?Blocking antibodies and mutations were assessedby their effect on binding assays >>?Blocking antibodies and mutations were assessedby their effect on binding asT??iBCBCDCE  >>?Crucial residues involved in the s-Lex binding wereidentified in their recent publication (Oct '92)ucial residues involved in the s-Lex binding wereidentified in their recentT??jBCsBBDCsG  >>?These were Pro-46, Ser-47, Tyr-48, Arg-97, Lys-99,Lys-111, & Lys-113This constitutes a basic patch about 10 Angstroms from the calcium site& Lys-113dBDBCD DI  Modelling the E-Selectin/s-Le Complexalcium site& Lys-113CDCDCDGK  xe E-Selectin/s-Le Complexalcium site& Lys-113kBCBC0BCM@  ?....xalcium site& Lys-113T??lBCBCD%CO  >>?In MBP the 3'-OH & 4'-OH of mannose were found tobind to the calcium ion and its liganding side-chainshe 3'-OH & 4'-OH of mannose were found tobind to the calcium ion T??mBCBCDCQ  >>?In E-selectin the 2'-OH & 3'-OH of s-Lex fucose could bind similarly  >>?In E-selectin the 2'-OH & 3'-OH of s-Lex fucose could bind similarlyT??nBCBCiDCS  >>?The s-Lex sialic acid carboxylate may then be attracted to the basic patch >>?The s-Lex sialic acid carboxylate may then be attracted to the basic patchT??oBCTBC$D7CTU  >>?The s-Lex ligand was fitted onto the model surface byadjucting glycosidic torsion angles, and tweaking side-chainswas fitted onto the model surface byadjucting glycosidic todBD@BDD$D@W  Modelling the E-Selectin/s-Le Complexsurface byadjucting glycosidic toCD@CD @D@D@ Y  xe E-Selectin/s-Le Complexsurface byadjucting glycosidic topBDBBBD[@  ?......e byadjucting glycosidic to??qBCBCDC]  >>?The model of the complex is speculative  byadjucting glycosidic to??rBCBCD C_  >>?It agrees with the relevant experimental dataadjucting glycosidic to??sBCBCDCa  >>?The gross details are most likely correctadjucting glycosidic to??tBCBCqDCc  >>?It awaits confirmation by X-ray crystallographyadjucting glycosidic to??uBCFBCDCFe  >>?The rational design of anti-inflammatory agentsmay be helpedsidic toT??vBBBBD%Bg  >>?Other people did all the hard work . They are willinglyand gratefully acknowledged. >>?Other people did all the hard work . They are willinglyand gratefully acknodBD@BDD$D@i  Modelling the E-Selectin/s-Le Complexare willinglyand gratefully acknoCD@CD @D@D@k  xe E-Selectin/s-Le Complexare willinglyand gratefully acknodBD@BDD&D@m  Modelling the E-Selectin/s-Le Complexare willinglyand gratefully acknoDD@DD @D@D@no  xe E-Selectin/s-Le Complexare willinglyand gratefully acknod BD@BDD$D@q  Modelling the E-Selectin/s-Le Complexare willinglyand gratefully acknoCD@CD @D@D@s  xe E-Selectin/s-Le Complexare willinglyand gratefully ackno