
Principles of Protein Structure Using the Internet

A Birkbeck College (University of London) accredited Advanced Certificate Course

Registration Procedure

Application for enrolment

Once you have read the course details and technical requirements and decided to pursue your application with the Department the next step is to contact Claire Burton and ask for an application form. Do not forget to include a correct and detailed postal address for correspondence during this applicaton. As the course will begin in September 1996 you should be thinking of registering as soon as possible to ensure that you get a place on the course. Application forms will be forwarded via post on the date of receipt of your e.mail, you will also receive an acknowledgement that your e.mail message has been received.

Course Fees and Method of Payment

The fee for the course for students resident within the European Union 260 pounds sterling and overseas students 575 pounds sterling. Payment should be made by cheque or other form of credit transfer (cheques should be made payable to Birkbeck College). For students outside of the UK cheques should be drawn on a British bank. Payment should be made in full before the beginning of the course, which begins in October of each academic year, but after you have received notification that you have been accepted onto the course.

Once you have completed the application form return it to:

The Registry
Birkbeck College
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HX

tel: 44 (0)171 631 6390
e.mail: l.evans@admin.ccs.bbk.ac.uk

The enrolment procedure usually takes two weeks (allowing for postage) Application forms which are not complete will be subject to delays so please complete the form as accurately as possible.

Academic requirements

The minimum academic qualification required to register for the course is normally the equivalent to a UK BSc (Bachelor's) in a subject allied to one of the following: Computer Science, Biology, Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry. If you are an undergraduate student registered at another university you are not eligible to undertake this course. If however, you are a PhD student registered at another university you are eligible if your supervisor, and University, agree to you undertaking this course. When you apply you will need to include a letter from your supervisor/university stating that there is no objection to you undertaking the PPS course.

Technical Requirements and equipment

As the Advanced Certificate is taught almost entirely over the Internet we will need further information from you about your technical experience and equipment. For this purpose we have created a technical information form which is pointed at from the PPS homepage. You will find further details about technical requirements and equipment on the technology page. If you have any problems with the technical information form or queries about your equipment or technical know-how contact Dr David Houldershaw.

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last updated 24/6/96