Re: nmr entry in PPS96 glossary

peter Murray-rust (
Fri, 15 Mar 1996 08:28:40 +0000 (GMT)

On Fri, 15 Mar 1996, Christoph Weber wrote:

Thanks very much Christoph,

> Hi all,
> I just checked the nmr entry in the PPS96 glossary.
> (
> I don't mean to offend anyone, but the information contained seems off-topic in

[.. details of entry omitted ..]

You are certainly right that this entry needs amending! The PPS95
glossary should be seen as an edventure in communal glossary creation,
not as a definitive statement of content! There are many other errors
(e.g. phenylalanine is abbreviated to 'P'!).
At present Kurt Giles and Darren Fast have volunteered to revise the
content of the glossary. It's my hope that with another round of
revisions we should arrive at something whose *content* quality matches
the vision of the original approach. It's also clear that some of the
entries shouldn't be in at all and that others are inconsistent (e.g. the
aminoacids either *all* should all have connection tables, pictures, etc.
or none.
The collaborative creation of a glossary requires conscientious
curation and I am sure that the current glossary will both have quality
content and also use the technology that lesley and I are creating in the
hyperglossary concept where we intend that this glossary (and many otehrs
can be automatically referenced from many other systems. I'd suggest
that the curtors have a mechanism for the submission of new entries or
revision to old ones and that there is a beta-release of entries where
they are on dislpay for comment (maybe from outside the course as well)
before being accepted.


Peter Murray-Rust, Glaxo Research & Dev. (; (BioMOO: PeterMR)
Birkbeck College,, CBMT/Daresbury,