Re: rasmol setting up

peter Murray-rust (
Mon, 12 Feb 1996 21:37:41 +0000 (GMT)

On Mon, 12 Feb 1996, Christoph Weber wrote:

> Marjorie,
> you are seeing part of the usual hardships SUN owners have when compiling X
> stuff. Libs are in nonstandard places, some are not installed at all, etc.

It's not just SUN ..., but they *do* have more OS's, libraries etc.
> Actually, it would be great if we could post working binaries somewhere for
> those unwilling or unable to play with compilers. Is there space in the course
> hypertree?

Rasmol *.exe's are quite small and (although I am not the keeper of the
disks) shouldn't take up more than a large gif.

It would certainly be a service to do this - and don't forget the older
OS's (e.g. I run on IRIX 4.05). I have a binary somewhere for this at


Peter Murray-Rust, Glaxo Research & Dev. (; (BioMOO: PeterMR)
Birkbeck College,, CBMT/Daresbury,