#for structure 1ofv reset select colour grey wireframe off spacefill off ribbon off strand off labels off select 12-23 ribbon select 12-23 and sidechain spacefill select (14,18,22) and sidechain colour red select (15,19,23) and sidechain colour blue select 3-7,31-35,49-53 ribbon colour brown select (3,5,7) and sidechain spacefill colour green select (31,33) and sidechain spacefill colour orange select 51 and sidechain spacefill colour yellow select gly53.CA spacefill colour yellow select (35,49) and sidechain spacefill colour white select phe6.CA,phe6.CB,asp32.CA,asp32.CB,asn34.CA,asn34.CB wireframe 80 select leu50.CA,leu50.CB,ile52.CA,ile52.CB wireframe 80 rotate z -34 rotate y -57 rotate x -50 translate x -8 translate y 1 zoom 221 centre leu5.CA