
You can exert some control over type in a document. One thing people think one can do is control the font. That is incorrect. A font is a distinctive collection of characters - known fonts include Times Roman or Helvetica. A typeface is an instance of a font such as italic or bold.
Browsers let you change the typeface but not the font. The only other thing you can do, is change the font size. Here we show you how to create different sized headings and change the typeface.


A header is generally placed a the beginning of a section of text. The heading size can vary so that you can have headings and also sub-headings. There are six sizes to choose from, and headings are created by wrapping text with <Hx> and &l t;/Hx>, where x is a number from 1 (largest) to 6 (smallest), for example <H1>Heading1</H1>. Two different sized headings are always placed on separate lines. There is always some space before and after a heading to create more of a visual space. The following are heading sizes from 1 through 6 going from top to bottom :






Bold Lettering

You can create bold text by wrapping it in <B> </B>. For example, typing

<B>this is in bold</B>  produces  this is in bold

Italic Lettering

You can italicise text by wrapping it in <I> </I>. For example, typing

<I>this is in italics</I>  produces  this is in italics

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