(Logo) PPS - Week 12

Index Assignments Index

Welcome Back

After 4 weeks break, a warm welcome back to everyone on the PPS course!

Course Material - Section 7

We now release Section 7 of the course material: an Overview of Molecular Forces. We would like to thank Oliver Smart of Birkbeck Crystallography Dept. for writing it.

Results of 2nd Feedback Form

We will shortly be posting the results of this feedback form on the Web pages; thanks again for giving us your opinions.

Forthcoming BioMOO meetings this term

In response to your suggestions in the questionairre, we are now arranging BioMOO meetings on the topics you have mentioned- we will keep you informed of developments. A number of you have been having problems with accessing the Protein Databank or its mirrors and downloading PDB files, so we will shortly be holding a tutorial on this subject.

Dissertation Titles- later this term

About halfway through this term, it will be a good idea to start thinking about the dissertation that you will be undertaking in Term 3. You will be asked to decide on your dissertation subject by the end of the current term.

Formal Assignment 1

A reminder that the deadline for submitting the first formal Assignment is the 13th May. If you have any particular problems or queries relating to it, PLEASE E-MAIL YOUR TUTOR(S) ABOUT THIS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

See you soon in BioMOO

IndexAssignments Index

Last updated 29th April '96